Sorry... This is an Archive Site: Some Links May No Longer Work
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K 1 2 | Julia's Rainbow |
K 1 2 | Roller Coaster 1 Kids design a simple roller coaster by dragging shapes and testing the designs. See also Link 27. |
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Chess Kids can actually learn to play chess with this web site, or if they know how already they can play against the PC. |
K 1 2 | PBS Reading Games |
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TVO Games TV Ontario has many highly engaging multimedia games for several different developmental levels. |
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Flash Mind Reader This problem solving game requires mental math and works every time if kids do math right. Directions on page. |
K 1 2 | PBS Songs PBS songs and music videos focusing on literacy. Be sure to tell kids to click on "Quicktime" buttons only. |
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Optical Illusions A large, highly engaging set of optical illusions kids can study. Some reading may be hard. Navigation easy. |
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Building Blocks for Thinking A computer programming game the kids have used before. Directions online. Can be very challenging. |
K 1 2 | Dr. Seuss Classic activities based on tribute sites to Dr. Seuss. Some game windows pop up and may hide behind. |
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Hangman This site has over 100 interactive hangman games sorted by categories. Used for ESL kids, well done. |
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20 Questions This is a computer version of the classic game. Teach kids to be serious and they will be amazed! |
K 1 | StarFall Reading activities with online stories, phonics games, and enrichment activities. May want to direct activ. |
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Concentration This classic memory game offers several choices for students in the menu. Model the settings. |
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Whizzball A wonderful 3-D puzzle game using physics principals and problem solving. Kids are familiar. |
K 1 | John's Reading Site A collection of reading games kids are familiar with. Some of these sites are also listed above. |
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Jigsaw Puzzles Interactive jigsaw puzzles kids can change the number of pieces and timing of their puzzles |
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Time for Kids Online magazine for older students with current events, math and science content. Great for warm up. |
K 1 2 3 | Art & Imagination Several simple art activities including some Optical Illusions (may require direct instruction for younger kids) |
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Roller Coaster 2 Kids design roller coasters by adjusting the variables. Can be used for science by recording time and speed tests. |
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White House for Kids A wonderful place to explore to learn about our history and the interesting things in the mansion. |
K 1 2 | KidPsych A set of problem solving activities for young kids. See the menus for levels. May require some modeling. |
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City Creator Kids can choose from 3 "cities" and build their own community. This is a familiar site. Can not save. |
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K 1 2 | Fripples A problem solving game for kids using Fripples (creatures with various attributes). Notice levels switch. |
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San Francisco Symphony An amazing music site that teaches many musical concepts in a fun and engaging way. |
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K 1 2 | Ringo Music A game for learning about musical instruments. Choose level 1 or 2 and study the buttons to learn |
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Math Tangrams An interactive Tangram challenge. Kids use movable pieces to create shapes provided by the computer |
Subject Specific Sites for Enrichment or Unit Integration |
K 1 2 | Roller Coaster A simple roller coaster building game for younger kids. See Site 26 above for a more challenging one afterward |
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Number Top It A place value game where kids compete with the computer while practicing place value concepts |
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K 1 2 3 | Switcheroo Zoo A highly interactive game where kids create their own animals. Older kids can learn facts about animals |
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Math Facts Dash A very traditional fact game that can be played timed or not. The game has all operations and different levels |
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K 1 2 3 | Tic Tac Toe The classic game but you play against the computer or a partner and keep track of the score. |
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Math Baseball Multiplication A baseball game that helps kids memorize multiplication facts. Instructions are verbal |
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K | High Street Games Some simple but engaging activities for Kindergarten kids. Tell them to move their mouse side to side 1st |
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Invention at Play Four very interesting problem solving activities. Directions are provided but modeling may be needed. |
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Polar Animals Penguins and polar bears! |
K 1 2 | PBS Games Collection of more games from PBS Kids. Some of these appear above, but try Fuzzy Lion Ears! |
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Wacky Web Tales 1 A collection of "Mad Libs" activities. Kids use parts of speech to enter missing words to create stories. |
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K 1 | Little Animals Activities The BBC has excellent multimedia activities in math and literacy. Some navigation help may be needed. |
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Wacky Web Tale 2 Another collection of "Mad Libs" activities. These are shorter stories than site 1 above. |
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K | Sesame Street Games Classic learning activities by Sesame Street. Recommend some time showing kids the navigation area. |
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Olympics Collection of activities related to last winter's olympic events, includes the official page. |
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1 | Math Games Mrs. Richards math games for first graders. Some directions or modeling may be required. |
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Up To Ten Learning A rich, engaging set of multimedia activities for grades K - 3. Requires some instructions. |
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K 1 2 | Game Goo Several activities for direction following, numeracy, literacy and concepts. Wide range of levels. |
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National Geographics Kids Award winning site from NG. This is a very comprehensive site which might need navigation guidance. |
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K 1 | Nina Leo & Reggie Scholastic activities for word-concept activities, letter-sound relationships, and rhyming. |
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Smithsonian Kids Incredibly comprehensive web site by Smithsonian. Let kids just explore and share what they find with other. |
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Computer Programs for Projects
All Programs are available through the Start Menu
Please remember to have kids SAVE projects in their folders and name their files properly
Create digital art with a simple painting program. Do'nt recommend printing directly from this program because it prints on 4 pages in a large format.
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Word |
Word Processing for letters, stories, typing practice
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PowerPoint |
Slide shows or for creating posters |
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Publisher |
Graphic design projects such as posters, brochure, fliers, signs |
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Google Earth |
Interactive earth with satellite imagery and full navgiation controls for flying |
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Investigations |
Math activities that go along with the math curriculcum |
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Microtype |
Typing practice. Sign on as a guest |
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